From the March 2007 electronic Newsletter of the Hungarian Exodus exhibition and Oral History project:
“Through 2006, the Hungarian Exodus Exhibit was on display at:
- University of Toronto, Munk Centre for International Studies
- City Hall, Toronto
- Metro Hall, Toronto
- National Arts Centre, Ottawa, Ontario
- University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
- Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec
- City Hall, Calgary, Alberta
- Pier 21 Museum, Halifax, Nova Scotia
In 2007, the Exhibit will travel to:
- Metro Hall, Toronto (April 10th through the 14th, 2007)
- University of British Columbia (June, 2007)
- University of Manitoba (Fall, 2007)
- Regina, Saskatchewan (TBA)
Congratulations and thanks are in order to everyone who has helped in bringing together the exhibit, and in organizing the various venues for its’ viewing across Canada. If you know of additional cities interested in sponsoring the exhibit, or would like to sponsor the exhibit in your community, kindly contact us for details. After all, this year (2007) is the 50th anniversary of when the majority of Hungarian refugees arrived in Canada.
Canada’s External Affairs Minister Peter Mackay, who viewed the identical version of the exhibit in Budapest, was very impressed and expressed his congratulations to the organizers. Hon. Mike Colle, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration for the Province of Ontario, saw the Exhibit in Toronto at Metro Hall. The Minister made note of a number of statistics and utilizes these info-bits when speaking to groups on how immigration strengthens Canada.
Ministers, mayors, and most importantly, many thousands of Canadians across the country have already seen the Exhibit, expressing a tremendous amount of positive feedback.
As mentioned, in addition to the Exhibit traveling across Canada, an identical copy of the exhibit is traveling throughout Hungary to let the Hungarians also learn about how Canada opened its’ doors to the Hungarian refugees in 1956-58. For further information on where the Exhibit in Hungary will be displayed, please check out the Hungarian Embassy’s website:
The documentary: “Fifty Years to Find Our Hearts,” will have a special screening on May 14th 2007 at the Toronto Arts and Letters Club, 14 Elm St., in Toronto in the evening. A shorter version of the documentary will air on OMNI Television this fall, the exact date to be announced. The documentary is produced by Postmodern Productions.
The Oral History Project
We are pleased to report that over 70 oral testimonies have been collected thus far, thanks to the dedication and hard work of our researchers across the country. We are working jointly with the Multicultural History Society of Ontario to secure funding for the digitization and cataloging of the collection. The work is ongoing, we will keep you posted on all developments.
In addition to the Hungarian Exodus 1956 traveling exhibit…
The Essay Competition is an integral part of the Hungarian Exodus 1956 project.
When the project was initiated a year and a half ago, we realized that written submissions gave a wider range of opportunities for those Hungarians who chose the written word over the spoken one (as in taped oral testimonies). It also provided an additional way for individual 56-ers to express their thoughts and what was in their hearts, about their 1956 experiences (the good, bad and the scary!).
People responded very well to this type of communication. Some 45 submissions were sent in a variety of styles: prose, narration, chronological expose, reflection, poetry and even as art. All submissions were of high quality!
To date, we have received 45 submissions both in Hungarian and in English. Collectively these translate into some 500 pages, which constitute a voluminous anthology.
As the submissions were received, a panel of three evaluators took on the task of reading each one. Each submission was read by two individuals giving the process credibility and transparency. As we progress these will be read again to correct grammar, spelling and contextual errors, etc.
Given the new methods of production, we have decided to alter our plans somewhat. Instead of producing a published book of the best selections, all the submissions will be digitized on CD or DVD. There are practical and economic sense reasons for this. We realized the collection of writings will be more easily accessible for libraries, archives realized the collection of writings will be more easily accessible for libraries, archives and researchers. However, before we begin the digitizing process, we will be seeking permission (via a release form) from the authors. Without it, the submission cannot be included in the CD anthology. The second small change is really an extension. As originally stated, the best selected submission will be honoured, while all submitters and their work will be recognized.
We are planning to complete this project by October 23, 2007.
Questions or thoughts? Contact : Tibor Lukacs
Részlet a Hungarian Exodus 1956 project elektrónikus hirlapjához…
Tervünk teljes eredményét csak az irott beadványok kiértékelésével és végleges egyesitésével érhetjük el. Ennek kezdeményezése másfél éve megadta a lehetőségek változatát olyan személyeknek akik szivesebben fektették papirra élményeiket, nehézségeiket, örömüket és mindazt ami a szivükben mélyén volt és kapcsolatos 1956 eseményeivel. Sokan ezt szépen meg is tették: biográfia, próza, gondolatok, történelmi visszapillantások, vers, esszék sőt még rajz formákban is. Kitűnő beadványok!
Eddig 45 különböző beadványt kaptunk kézhez úgy angolul mint magyarul Ez mindössze 500 oldalt tesz ki ami egyben felér egy teljes könyv nagyságának illetve tartalmának.
Ahogy beérkeztek, a három fő-s panel azonnal neki is fogott ezeket átolvasni és kiértékelni. Mindegyik beadvány kétszer volt elolvasva a kiértékelés elött amely megerősiti a módszer helyességét és szinvonalát. Természetesen, amint tovább visszük a beadványokat, újból átolvassuk ezeket kijavitva esetleges hibákat, stb.
Eredeti tervünktől, adván a mai lehetőségeket, kissé el kell térjünk. Igy nem könyv alakban lesznek összesitve hanem (permanens) digitált formában CD-n vagy DVD-n ami sokkal praktikusabb és egyben gazdaságosabb módszer. Mielőtt belekezdünk az irások digitálizásába —-levélben engedélyt kérünk az iróktól. Csak azokat használhatjuk fel melyekre engedélyt kapunk. A második változás igazából inkább egy bővités… Igen, a legjobb beadvány jutalomba részesül de ugyanakkor minden személy aki résztvett ebben, külön elismerést kap.
A kitűzött cél dátum 2007 október 23.
On behalf of the Board of the Directors of the Foundation and the Steering Committee of the 1956 project,
Your truly,
Susan Papp-Aykler
Rakoczi Foundation
Rákóczi Alapitvány