Vancouver Csárdás Hungarian Children’s Dance Group

June 15, 2010

From left: Boys: Péter Pál, Aron Párkányi, Bence Puddiford, Tamás McGillivray, László Balogh, Jamie Bagoly Girls: Johanna Toth, Eszter Pál, Hanna McGillivray, Isabella Molnár, Rebecca Szakács, Sofia Balogh Missing: Berta Varga

We have received information about the activities of this children’s dance group in Vancouver and would like to share it with visitors to this website. The group has actually been in existence for over 30 years under the aegis of the Vancouver Hungarian Cultural Society but have recently started a website on which they are still working.

The group right now has 12 members between the ages of 4-15 and they come from a variety of backgrounds. What brings them together is their interest in learning Hungarian dance forms and performing at various festivals and other opportunities to show off their talents. Their teachers are Robert Florian and Szilvia Pal.

A group such as this cannot exist without the active participation of parents and Michelle Balogh is one such parent whose involvement helps to move this group forward. They have a busy performing schedule this summer and fall and you can find out all about it on their BLOG. Their background history and some information about their dances and past performances can be found HERE and Michelle sent along a photograph of the current members of the group.