March 19, 2010
We are happy to announce that A Bauhausler in Canada: Andor Weininger in the 50s has been awarded the Melva J. Dwyer Book Award for creating an exceptional reference or research tool relating to Canadian art or architecture. The Dwyer Award is administered by the Chair of ARLIS/Canada, who is the Canadian Representative of the Art Libraries Society of North America, and is adjudicated by a jury of three Canadian art information professionals. The book has so far received reviews in The Toronto Globe and Mail, Border Crossings and The Structurist and was launched both in Winnipeg and New York City last November.
Details of why and how the Weininger book was chosen for the award (and the jury’s opinion) can be found on the ARLIS website here:
At the same time we note that a review of the book by Dr. Gerta Moray, Professor Emerita of Art History at the University of Guelph, Ontario, has just appeared in the Winnipeg based international contemporary art journal Border Crossings. The article can be found in Issue No 113, March 2010.
Weininger Exhibition in Oshawa
April 8th, 2009
University of Manitoba art historian and CHEF advisory board member Oliver Botar is the curator of an exhibition about the Canadian work of Bauhaus artist Andor Weininger which opens at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa on May 9th and continues to June 28th 2009. Andor Weininger, an artist of international stature, was the only important Bauhaus artist to have lived in Canada (from 1951-1958) but his Canadian work is almost completely unknown.
Professor Botar has been working on a study of Weininger for some time (had organized an exhibition at Gallery One One One in Winnipeg in 2004) and has prepared this major exhibition on the artist’s work.
For more information, read Professor Botar’s backgrounder and call for support HERE. Consider making a tax deductable donation in support of the publication to accompany the exhibition through the Canada-Hungary Educational Foundation. If you are interested, please write to us at
For the exhibition invitation, click here.
The book and exhibition catalogue A BAUHAUSLER IN CANADA: ANDOR WEININGER IN THE ’50s by Oliver A.I. Botar was launched on Wednesday, 18 November 2009 at Gallery One One One of the University of Manitoba. For a press release of this event click here. Gallery One One One and The Robert Mclaughlin Gallery co-published the work which is available from them and from booksellers. (280 pages, in full colour, with over 370 illustrations, $55.00 – $52.38 + $2.62 GST ).
For a recent article on A Bauhausler in Canada: Andor Weininger in the 50’s see the Globe and Mail of January 15th 2010.
Click here to view the book cover.

Professor Oliver Botar at the opening of the Weininger exhibition in Oshawa with his wife, Dr Serena Keshavjee.